names generator à la docker

I really like docker’s names generator. It makes remembering id’s easier, and as of version 0.7.x, it generates names from notable scientists and hackers, which gives it an extra bonus!

There are a number of ports out there (shamrin/namesgenerator for example), but all of them just copy-and-paste the names, which is not cool at all.

I decided to parse names-generator.go and extract the names from it, thus making sure it’s always up to date.

I wrote two implementations, one in python and one in go.

  • python: parses the code directly using regular expressions
  • go: parses the code using go’s AST package, and spit python code to stdout.

^ The hyperlinks lead to the relevant section in the blog post.

The amount of lines needed to do all that work is relatively short, which shows how powerful these languages are.

Regular Expressions

The following code is straight forward. First I download the text, then I parse it using a regular expressions.

I did use a cool trick - I’ve update the locals from the generated code.

import random
import requests
import re

URL = (""

# get the variable name (left|right) and text in the curly braces:
# - the first part captures 'left|right'
# - the second part looks behind for the '{' character, then captures
# anything between it and the '}' character
_var_and_curly = re.compile("(left|right).*((?<={)[^}]*)")

# extract the strings inside the curly braces text
_extract_in = re.compile("\"(.+)\"")

# update the locals of this package with '_left' and '_right' values
# that were parsed from the url
locals().update({"_" + var_name.strip(): _extract_in.findall(txt_in_brackets)
for var_name, txt_in_brackets
in _var_and_curly.findall(requests.get(URL).text)})

_sr = random.SystemRandom()

def get(retry=False):
generates a random name from the list of adjectives and surnames
formatted as "adjective_surname". For example 'focused_turing'.
If retry is True, a random integer between 0 and 10 will be
added to the end of the name, e.g 'focused_turing3'

while True:
name = _sr.choice(_left) + "_" + _sr.choice(_right)

# Steve Wozniak is not boring
if name != "boring_wozniak":

if retry:
name += str(random.randint(0, 10))

return name

Abstract Syntax Tree

When go ported its compiler to go a few years ago, it added a bunch of packages that the compiler needed to do its work. One of them is the excellent go/ast package, which makes parsing go code a breeze.

The following snippet spits PEP8 conformant python code to stdout:

  1. Downloads the names-generator.go file
  2. Parses the code
  3. Walks over the AST and prints out the variables it finds
  4. Prints the python get function
package main

import (

//FuncVisitor ...
type FuncVisitor struct {

//getEmptyString generates an empty string of size n
func getEmptyString(n int) string {
spaces := make([]rune, n+1)
for i := range spaces {
spaces[i] = ' '
return string(spaces)


//getValue gets the string value of a basic ast node
func getValue(elt interface{}) string {
return elt.(*ast.BasicLit).Value

//Visit visits all nodes in the ast and prints variable content
func (v *FuncVisitor) Visit(node ast.Node) (w ast.Visitor) {
switch t := node.(type) {
case *ast.ValueSpec:
// iterate all variables (should be "first", "last")
for _, id := range t.Names {
// print the variable, for example: _left = [
txt := fmt.Sprintf("%s = [", id.Name)
fmt.Printf("_%s", txt)

// extract the number of leading spaces
spaces := getEmptyString(len(txt))
names := id.Obj.Decl.(*ast.ValueSpec).Values[0]
elts := names.(*ast.CompositeLit).Elts

// print the first value
fmt.Printf("%s,\n", getValue(elts[0]))

// iterate all inner values
for _, x := range elts[1 : len(elts)-2] {
value := getValue(x)

fmt.Printf("%s%s,\n", string(spaces), value)

// print the last value


return v

var pyImports = `import random`

var pySystemRandom = `_sr = random.SystemRandom()`

var pyGetFunction = `def get(retry=False):
generates a random name from the list of adjectives and surnames
formatted as "adjective_surname". For example 'focused_turing'.
If retry is True, a random integer between 0 and 10 will be
added to the end of the name, e.g 'focused_turing3'

while True:
name = _sr.choice(_left) + "_" + _sr.choice(_right)

# Steve Wozniak is not boring
if name != "boring_wozniak":

if retry:
name += str(random.randint(0, 10))

return name

func downloadMobyProjectContainerNameGenerator() string {
url := "" +

tmpfile, _ := ioutil.TempFile(os.TempDir(),
defer tmpfile.Close()

response, _ := http.Get(url)
defer response.Body.Close()

io.Copy(tmpfile, response.Body)
return tmpfile.Name()

func main() {
// download names generator and parse it
path := downloadMobyProjectContainerNameGenerator()
file, _ := parser.ParseFile(token.NewFileSet(), path, nil, 0)

// generate python code that does the same
fmt.Printf("%s\n\n", pyImports)
ast.Walk(new(FuncVisitor), file)
fmt.Printf("%s\n\n\n", pySystemRandom)