tiny os.getenv idiom

Many times I add the possibility to control constant values via environment variables, and add a default value when no such variable is set. for instance:

import os  

I find myself writing this code again and again. IMO, a more idiomic solution would be:

import os

def getenv(varname, default=None, typecast_fn=None):
Return the value of the environment variable varname if it exists, or default if it doesn't.
default defaults to None.

:typecast_fn: a function that performs the typecast. if not supplied, defaults to type(value)

if not typecast_fn:
typecast_fn = type(default) if default else lambda x: x

assert callable(typecast_fn), "typecast_fn is not callable!"

value = os.getenv(varname)

return typecast_fn(value) if value else default

Now, you can write the following:

A_NUMBER = getenv(A_NUMBER)  

the above code will behave just like os.getenv.

A_NUMBER = getenv(A_NUMBER, typecast_fn=int)  

Now the code will lookup the environment variable A_NUMBER . if successful, will cast it to int and return it. otherwise, will return None (just like os.getenv):

A_NUMBER = getenv(A_NUMBER, 10)  

the above code will lookup the environment variable A_NUMBER.
if successful, will cast it to int and return it. otherwise, will return the default.