
Writing good, usable logs is not an easy task.

uberlogs does all the dumb work you have to do, to make your logs easy to parse.

  • Drop-in replacement for logging - fully backwards compatible with logging.
  • Human Readable, parsable log lines (with or without color)
  • Machine readable parsable log lines for your favorite data cruncher (json)
  • Variable formatting, so you don’t have to write .format(…) or % (…) ever again
  • Statement evaluation like in Ruby, Koltin, Python 3.6, etc’
  • Handler to violently kill the process when a log on a specific level has been written
  • Automatic twisted log rewriting to python.logging

you can find it on github. Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests!


I was extremely performance aware while writing this library. It does a lot of magic, and most of the time python magic is expensive. I had to use every trick I could come up with (including ahead of time compilation!)  to make the performance overhead as low as I can. My work isn’t done, but I reached an acceptable overhead:

$ ITERATIONS=10000 python profile.py 1> /dev/null  
Profiling 10000 iterations [python 3.5.2]

block took 0.666 seconds, 0.00% faster than 'std %' [std %]
block took 0.655 seconds, 0.02% faster than 'std %' [std .format()]
block took 0.851 seconds, 0.30% slower than 'std .format()' [uber .format()]
block took 0.863 seconds, 0.01% slower than 'uber .format()' [uber complex .format()]
block took 0.842 seconds, 0.28% slower than 'std .format()' [uber .format() with statement]
block took 0.881 seconds, 0.05% slower than 'uber .format() with statement' [uber complex .format() with statement]

Why did I write uberlogs?

I rarely use any other logging appenders than the console one. Most of the time I send my logs to a data cruncher and write horrible regular expressions to parse the data.

To ease the pain, I started formatting my logs, so they’ll be easy to parse: arg1=arg1val; arg2=arg2val But that meant I had to write the same format everywhere, and I found myself writing long, long log lines:

 import logging  
from collections import namedtuple
Eatable = namedtuple('Eatable', ['name', 'flavor', 'location'])

logger = logging.getLogger("test")

eatable = Eatable(name="bagel", flavor="salty", location="tel-aviv")

logger.info("I'm eating a {thing}; location: {location}; flavor: {flavor}".format(thing=eatable.name,

# 1970-01-01 18:24:17,578 - test - INFO - I'm eating a bagel; flavor: salty; location: tel-aviv

I had to find a better, more concise way of doing the same - that way is uberlogs:

 import uberlogs  
from collections import namedtuple
Eatable = namedtuple('Eatable', ['name', 'flavor', 'location'])


logger = uberlogs.getLogger("test")

eatable = Eatable(name="bagel", flavor="salty", location="tel-aviv")

logger.info("I'm eating a {eatable.name}", flavor=eatable.flavor, location=eatable.location)
# 1970-01-01 18:26:17,578 - test - INFO - I'm eating a bagel; flavor: salty; location: tel-aviv